Good Afternoon CAMRPSP,
The following information was shared by the group fighting the carbon pipeline project.
Steering Committee

Landowners for Eminent Domain Reform MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH at 7:45 am at the State Capitol in Pierre, there will be a hearing on several of the important bills on eminent domain reform that could possibly sustain our farms and property for generations. This will probably be our biggest day in Pierre. We MUST show up with a very large unified voice. We can't stress the importance of this!!! If you don't like big corporations/big money taking over our private property rights through the abuse of our current eminent domain laws, then please make the effort to attend the House State Affairs committee hearing in Pierre on Monday morning at 7:45 am. If you sense an urgency in this request, there is!! (The lodge where we were working on for our group to stay in Pierre is not going to work out. Please make reservations elsewhere. There are some hotel rooms at the Days Inn being held by another landowner until tomorrow. If you are needing a room, contact me as soon as possible.) Attached are the two brochures that were handed out to all the legislators these past couple of weeks.