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Writer's pictureChelsea Biehl

Thank you!

Happy Friday CAMRPSP (Citizens Against Missouri River Pumped Storage Project)!

On behalf of the CAMRPSP steering committee we want to thank everyone who came to one or both of the informational meetings 2 weeks ago at the Platte Community Building. It was great to see such a good turnout in community members and hear your comments made to MRES and MidAmerican. This is exactly what needs to happen. Strong numbers with strong pushback is an important part in the efforts to stop this project. There are many individuals we could recognize for standing up and sharing their thoughts and concerns, but I am happy to say there are too numerous to mention. We do want to say a special thank you to State Representative Marty Overweg, State Senator Erin Tobin and Yankton Sioux Tribe member, Kip Spotted Eagle for your knowledgeable and passionate statements. Also a big thank you to Lauren Nelson from Yankton in her comments and emotional message. What a great blend of views from all aspects of our communities, showing strong unity in stopping this! The local papers did a great job in covering the meetings as well. Here is the story that was on the front page of the Mitchell Daily Republic: The next year will seem uneventful in regards to meetings and requests for studies. The project studies will soon be started, but this also means we can't let up. This summer is important to get the word out. With the busy recreation season on the river upon us, we will want to inform the out-of-town visitors of what is threatening our beautiful river. The attached pamphlet is a great way to do this. We own the digital rights to this pamphlet, so feel free to share this electronically with anyone and everyone you know. You can also print copies of the pamphlet if you so choose or you can order copies from Custom Printing in Platte, 337-2390. Also, if you feel there is something that FERC needs to be made aware of, we can still go on FERC's website at and make comments. The deadline for study requests has passed, but comments and inquiries can still be submitted. Once you are on Ferc's website you will want to go to e-comment and there you will need to enter the docket number: P-14876-002. Thank you again for your support, lets keep sending the message we don't want their project and we aren't buying their false promises. Warm Regards, Melissa Johnson Steering committee member



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